Corporate Portal 2022

Time to upgrade the services you offer to your corporate customers!

Amid the pandemic, many businesses have found opportunities to strengthen their relationships with their corporate clients. As we enter a new era of travel, companies will need to adopt a smarter approach to traveling, relying increasingly on Travel Management Companies (TMCs).

In 2023, TMCs have a chance to revitalize their services and reinvent themselves. With financial performance improving, investing in people, technology, and all aspects of products and services is critical for enhancing the corporate travel experience.

As companies evaluate the return on investment of travel, TMCs can help by monitoring and managing expenses and providing easy access to relevant data. CFOs are seeking to boost their teams' productivity through intelligent integration of data provided by TMCs. And today, more than ever, technology lies at the heart of the TMC value proposition.

Enhance collaboration with your corporate clients

We're thrilled to introduce the Corporate Portal, which relies on TINA ERP activity to help you focus more on enhancing your corporate traveler services. Our portal is specifically tailored to enhance collaboration with your corporate clients and improve the quality of services provided as a TMC.

This all-in-one solution effortlessly integrates all travel program data, allowing stakeholders to access a suite of information through a single gateway for bookings information, invoices, KPIs, and helpful reports.

All-in-one platform for your corporate customers

  • Travel Managers
  • Finance Teams
  • Procurement Managers

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Why Corporate Portal?

  • Corporate Portal enhances collaboration between TMCs and their corporate customers;
  • Reduce the amount of manual work required by account managers and finance teams;
  • The implementation and rollout process is simple and efficient, with instant data accessibility.

Intuitive Dashboard 

Corporate Portal instantly showcases real-time KPIs and travel metrics. The portal's user-friendly widgets provide corporate customers with the most essential and relevant travel information in a straightforward and convenient manner.

  • Balance & Credit limit status;
  • Outstanding invoices;
  • Total spent by service type;
  • Monthly evolution of bookings;
  • Summary of trips, ongoing and upcoming trips;
  • Top destinations, routes and suppliers and other useful insights.


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Overview of trips

In order to effectively manage business trips and the corresponding travel services booked by employees, travel managers require speedy and dependable access to tools that provide vital information for each trip.


Easy tracking of invoices, easier accounting

Offering real-time access to financial data can assist the finance teams of your customers in obtaining complete visibility into the financial status of their travel programs. Corporate Portal enables finance teams to access all invoices from a single location, ensuring that they can monitor both current and past invoices, eliminating the possibility of lost delayed invoices and missed payments.


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Reporting made easy!

Elevate your customers' corporate travel reporting capabilities by providing them with flexible reporting options that cover every aspect of their business travel. By enabling customers to access their data instantly, you can take their reporting capabilities to the next level with just a few clicks. More than that, you can configure from TINA ERP what type of reports can be accessed in the dedicated Corporate Portal account.

Contact us to discover how Corporate Portal can make a difference for your business!

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