Complete Booking Engine

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IRIX main features

Separated modular distribution channels and selling platforms

IRIX reservation & distribution



Flexible payment modes for the resellers

The bookings can be made without payment, within a credit limit set up for that reseller. 
The reseller can book, but if not paid & confirmed, the booking is auto-canceled before the penalty period.
The reseller can also use a combination of the previous situations - credit and prepayment.
CC Payment
The reseller can use credit card payment with instant confirmation for the bookings made.


Advanced Pricing Management

  •  Mark-up and commission – IRIX automatically manages all pricing components, starting from the supplier price. It adds mark-up (travel agency fee) and commission (reseller fee).
  • Promotions – You can define your own special mark-ups and promotions, on a certain destination and on a certain markets or agents. With smart rules, you drive higher volumes towards the areas of interest.
  • Multicurrency – define multiple currencies, with automatic or manual rates. Conversion mark-up can be added to the converted amount, in order to minimize the loss-of-profit due to exchange rate fluctuations.
  • VAT rules – add VAT rules for multiple criteria such as reseller groups within a market, destinations. Different VAT rules can be defined for each travel service that is being sold.


 IRIX also offers you the following benefits:

  • It is developed using very new technologies available in web development and continuously improved by dcs plus team.
  • It is optimized to work with many wholesalers and XML connectors at the same time, by using parallel processes and multitasking (multithreading). Thus, IRIX is ensuring high-speed operation.
  • Intuitive and highly usable interface, user friendly
  • Price comparison and sorting (shows the lowest price first)
  • Multiple views of the results can be selected to best match the travel agent’s focus
  • Automated management of reservations
  • Digital maps – users can enjoy map search that offers advanced tools like search by street address, search by point of interest (POI), landmark, metro station, business or convention center 
  • Content quality management – You can adjust the quality of static data stored on the local database (descriptions, details, images, facilities etc.)
  • Fuzzy logic unassisted matching tool for hotels
  • Search by multiple types of rooms at once
  • Documents template manager – IRIX allows design of different layouts for documents (vouchers, proforma invoices, invoices, annexes etc.)
  • E-mail alerts and warnings – Configuration of different warnings can be sent by email (e.g. communication errors)
  • Operation logs – IRIX saves comprehensive logs, which include each operation and message inside the application (from the communication with the wholesalers to booking operations)
  • Reporting tools – Definitions of reporting templates and extraction of comprehensive reports, depending on the selected source
  • Export to any mid back office using standard XML
  • Multi-language interface
  • Channel Manager integration


We want to offer you an end-to-end experience, so we created all dcs plus products interconnected. This way, you can manage your sales process and generate any report in TINA, create and manage your own inventory in AIDA,  aggregate and distribute travel content from your own inventory as well as GDS's and Wholesalers in IRIX. You can also use TRIP to sell all this content to your online customers.


Find out how IRIX Booking Engine can improve your travel business! 

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