Integrating 3rd party systems

While working with 3rd party systems and multiple web services calls to communicate data over a network, the system reliability is a critical aspect, often overlooked in the beginning, in the system purchasing phasec with a very high volume of transactions, implies a complex model that relies on several transactions and messages exchanged between the provider system and the customers system (TBS).
In theory, the job is simple: the system sends some data to ask, receives some data as response, exchanges some more information to confirm and finalize a booking. However this is an ideal environment while in real life several other variables come into role, like network quality and reliability at a certain moment, external supplier system availability and load, running environment, all sorts of incompatibilities or inconsistencies that can induce discrepancies in the flow.
They do not have to happen often, even as much as 0.1% fault occurrence (which means an erroneous message on every 1000 calls) might mean that at volume of 90 000 messages exchanged per day, 90 messages are some sort of assistance as they cannot be processed.
TBS for sure is a handy B2B software, probably the most easy to use application of its kind. The team offers best quality support as soon as possible. I have worked with different platforms since 2004, but TBS is the greatest solution I have seen. You have full control over your suppliers and you can also control the market need in order to boost your sales. You also have the possibility to define your database as well as the hotels you are interested to sell.
We enjoy simple accounting credit control as well as the ability to apply the desired design on our own documents. From the day we have implemented TBS, we have done pretty good sales in very bad period of our country economic situation.
Mehdi Farrokhian, Nik Parvaz Talaee Tour and Travel