Travelling has never been simpler! With TripStar by GlobalStar you have all the needed information and even more, right there in the palm of your hand!
Organizing a trip can cause quite a headache, especially when you don’t have all the information in one place. Either we are talking about you flight details (hours, gate number etc.) or your hotel information, not to mention the actual itinerary, things can get out of hand.
TripStar by GlobalStar allows you to have total control over your trip from beginning to end.
Receive real time alerts about your flight status (delays, cancellations, rerouting etc.), about your hotel booking, the events taking place during your trip, the weather forecast and many more, and forget carrying actual documents or papers (boarding passes, vouchers, accommodation flyers etc.).
Key features:
TripStar by GlobalStar works in connection with travel services from GlobalStar Travel Management.
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