TBS travel booking system updates
A new payment gateway was implemented in TBS - BLOM Bank CyberSouce payment.
Currency Mapper - Totalstay
A currency mapper was added for TotalStay supplier allowing the admin to set currency per destination, thus for specific destinations the offer received can be in the desired currency.
New Quality Control feature: Display warning and stop book process when non-Latin characters are used
For transfer and activity offers received from Hotelbeds and GTA suppliers, if the user inserts non-Latin characters in any of the name fields at prebook stage, TBS will display the warning "Please provide a name without numbers or special characters, as only Latin characters (26 letter alphabet) are accepted." and the book process will be stopped.
AIDA tour operator solution updates
New secondary service type: Sport tickets
In this new version of AIDA, a new secondary service type was added: Sport tickets. The price is calculated per day, for each passenger. It can have more than one price set, can have an accommodation service as parent service and supplements can be added.
New secondary service type: Entrance tickets
In the new version, a new secondary service type was added: Entrance tickets. The price is calculated per day, for each passenger. It can have more than one price set, can have an accommodation service as parent service and supplements can be added.
Automatic release date updated when manual release is used
When the manual release is made, the date for the automatic release is updated with the current date. For any room already booked from the allotment and cancelled after the manual release, the status is RQ, in both Search and Book.