2017 is a very important year here at dcs plus because we celebrate no less than 15 years of activity. It goes without saying that we are extremely happy and proud to have reached this point, but we also know that in a permanently changing environment one must keep up the pace with what is happening on the market (and the technology sector above all) and always find the means to attract and maintain trustworthy partners.
We have always invested time and effort into building up strong relations with our partners, that’s why in this celebratory year we decided to conduct a series of interviews with some of them, trying to find out how they see their collaboration with dcs plus.
For today, we would like to present you with a very interesting piece we did by interviewing Mr. Jens Schuster, Senior Director Franchising at Lufthansa City Centre – the worldwide travel agency franchise that is aiming to conquer more and more markets in the near future, as Mr. Schuster himself says.